Skyrocket Your Facebook Views with This Strategy

07 Feb, 2022
Updated on: 04 May, 2023
Table of Contents

The key to any successful business – online or the standard brick-and-mortar – is having money coming in. To have a consistent cash flow, you need customers or clients. With the world continuing to spend more and more time online, Facebook marketing is key to most businesses’ marketing strategies. So if you’ve been wondering how to get more Facebook views, then get ready to take notes. This is the strategy that will skyrocket your Facebook views.  

How to Skyrocket Your Facebooks Views

Create with Your Reader in Mind 

Before you get started posting right away, you need to stop and plan. Business marketing is strategic, and every post should have a purpose. The key to success with marketing on this platform is not only to focus on getting more Facebook views in general but really to focus on getting the Organic views. 

Try narrowing down your posts to be fit for one specific type of person. If you create content with your ideal customer in mind, your posts will resonate with them. If you’re posting something to try to appeal to everyone, then you’ll likely appeal to very few people. Instead, create posts for someone who will buy what you’re selling, and you’ll attract those kinds of followers. 

Trigger Emotions

To spare you a bunch of science, sales psychology comes down to a few things. One of the main tactics is using emotion to trigger a response. If you’re wanting to get more views, you have to provide a value of some sort. This may be education, entertainment, or something else. The key is to use emotions to portray your knowledge, entertainment, or both.  

Whether you’re creating a post or a video, be sure to connect with your audience and emphasize feelings of pain points instincts or add some exciting story to the mix. Emotions can influence 90% of purchasing decisions, so make sure to add an emotional element to every post. 

Follow the Viral Post Format

Did you know there is a basic format for every viral post? If you want more views, then follow this three-step formula: 

  1. Hook: Begin your post with a hook. This is to get your audience’s attention and stop them from scrolling. This may be a bold statement, a question, or something else that will make your desired viewer pause for a moment. 
  2. Value: The middle portion of your post should include the value. If you promised to deliver three tips on how to get started with a side hustle at the beginning of the post, then this is where you deliver. Give them useful, bite-sized information to take home. 
  3. Call to action: A call to action is a short phrase that tells the reader what to do next. If you don’t want them to keep scrolling, then say so. This can be as simple as “Shop Now” or “Click the link in the Bio.” 

Create Shareable Posts

A great way to get other people’s eyes on your posts for free is to create shareable posts. These posts are typically super value-packed or entertaining. When your audience sees the post, they should have the feeling that they should share it. This often goes back to a play on emotions: it may be sad, a convenient life hack, super educational, or a video that may make you laugh for a few minutes. 

Use Captions on Videos 

A lot of today’s social media users scroll the app in short bursts of free time. This may be in a waiting room, during a TV commercial, or even on a break at work. Since these little bits of time happen between bigger events, most people scroll with their sound off. 

If you have an educational video that would be great for the viewer, but they can’t understand what is being said without turning the sound up, then they’re likely to keep scrolling. Be sure to turn on captions on your videos so people scrolling without sound can still benefit from your video. 


Most people use multiple platforms of social media. If you’re looking to get more views overall, you can cross-promote your content on different platforms. For example, you can embed social media posts and videos into blog posts and add social media icons to encourage readers to follow you on Facebook. 

It’s also a great organic social media marketing strategy to share your content between platforms. You can share your blog articles to Facebook, Facebook videos to YouTube or Pinterest, and more. The more places you can be found online, the more likely you are to continue to see growth. 

Buy Facebook Views

The last option is to Buy Facebook Views Investing in Facebook ads can be beneficial if you have it in the budget. With the recent changes in the Apple software, you might think Facebook ads no longer work. Don’t forget about Facebook just yet. 

Facebook advertising is a powerful tool to reach others you wouldn’t normally reach. With the update, you just might have to get creative. This is where it may be helpful to hire a Facebook ads specialist or another social media manager. 

The Key to More Facebook Views

The key to getting more Facebook views? Just put your audience first. If you’re catering to their needs with your content, then you’ll likely continue to grow. In addition, you can use strategies and tactics such as the viral post formula or investing in advertising to grow. If you’re feeling lost with Facebook marketing and want to invest in a specialist in organic and paid marketing strategies, click here to learn more.

Laxman K.

Veteran Social Media Growth Hacker & Digital Marketer.