Guide to Unlocking the Power of Organic Views and Followers

30 May, 2023
Updated on: 30 May, 2023
Table of Contents

How can I get organic views and followers?

A solid online presence is essential in today’s digital age, whether you are an individual or a business. While paid promotions and advertising can increase visibility, organic views and followers have immense value. They help you build an authentic and engaged audience and ensure long-term sustainable success. In this article, we will provide practical strategies to acquire organic views and followers based on my 12+ years of experience in social media marketing.


  • Create Engaging and Relevant Content

The foundation of organic growth is creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. Consider their interests, pain points, and aspirations when crafting your content strategy. Consistently providing valuable, informative, and entertaining content can attract and retain organic followers who genuinely appreciate what you have to offer.


  • Utilize the Power of Hashtags

Hashtags can increase your content’s discoverability on social media platforms. Conduct thorough research to identify relevant and trending hashtags in your niche. Incorporating these hashtags into your posts can extend your reach and connect with users actively searching for content related to your industry.


  • Engage with Your Audience

Building a loyal following requires active engagement with your audience. Respond promptly to comments, messages, and mentions. Encourage conversations, ask questions, and seek feedback from your followers. Showing genuine interest in their opinions and building a sense of community can foster stronger relationships and encourage word-of-mouth organic growth.


  • Collaborate with Influencers and Industry Experts

Partnering with influencers and experts can significantly amplify your organic reach. Identify individuals with an established presence and influence in your niche and propose mutually beneficial collaborations. Guest blog posts, joint live sessions, or co-created content pieces can expose your brand to new audiences and help you gain credibility.


  • Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content is a powerful tool for building trust and increasing organic engagement. Encourage your followers to create and share content about your brand or products: Repost and credit user-generated content to showcase the authenticity and loyalty of your followers. UGC boosts visibility, fosters community, and encourages others to join in.


  • Optimize for Search Engines

Sengine optimization (SEO) is not limited to websites and blogs. Applying SEO techniques to your social media profiles can significantly enhance organic visibility. Identify relevant keywords through research and incorporate them into your social media profiles, captions, and descriptions. This helps search engines understand the relevance of your content and improves your chances of appearing in relevant search results.


  • Consistency and Timing: Consistency is key to organic growth

Develop a content calendar and stick to a regular posting schedule. Analyze your audience’s behavior and preferences to determine the optimal timing for your posts. Consistently delivering content that resonates with your audience at the right time can maximize organic views and followers.

Getting organic views and followers on social media means attracting people who are genuinely interested in your content and brand, without paying for ads or using bots. This can help you build a loyal and engaged audience that can benefit your business or personal goals. Here are some tips to get organic views and followers on social media

  • Build a strong brand identity that reflects your voice, values, and personality. Use consistent colors, filters, graphics, and tone across your posts and platforms.
  • Follow relevant accounts that inspire you, share your niche, or could be potential collaborators. Engage with them by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. This can help you get noticed by their followers and create a network of mutual support.
  • Create high-quality content that is valuable, informative, entertaining, or inspiring for your audience. Use a mix of formats such as images, videos, live streams, stories, reels, etc. to keep your content fresh and appealing.
  • Find your best time to post based on your audience’s behavior and preferences. Use analytics tools to track when your followers are most active and likely to engage with your content.
  • Experiment with your posting frequency and tempo to find the optimal balance between consistency and quality. Don’t spam your followers with too many posts, but don’t neglect them either. Aim for a regular schedule that suits your goals and resources.
  • Focus on engagement first rather than vanity metrics such as likes and followers. Encourage your audience to interact with your content by asking questions, starting conversations, creating polls, quizzes, challenges, etc. Respond to their comments and messages and show appreciation for their feedback.
  • Never resort to engagement bait such as asking for likes, shares, or tags in exchange for rewards or incentives. This can hurt your organic reach and reputation as it violates the terms and conditions of some social media platforms.
  • Make your audience feel something by creating emotional connections with your content. Use storytelling techniques, humor, empathy, authenticity, or controversy to capture their attention and interest.
  • Start a contest or giveaway that is relevant to your brand and audience. This can help you generate buzz, increase engagement, and attract new followers. Make sure to follow the rules and guidelines of each platform and deliver on your promises.
  • Repurpose evergreen content that is timeless, useful, and relevant for your audience. You can update old posts with new information, insights, or perspectives. You can also republish them on different platforms or formats to reach new audiences.
  • Get verified on social media platforms that offer this feature. This can help you boost your credibility, visibility, and trustworthiness among your followers and potential followers. It can also protect you from impersonators or scammers who might use your name or brand.

Top 5 Tools to increase Organic Views & Followers.

When it comes to social media marketing, there are various tools available that can help streamline your efforts and make it easier to manage your organic views and followers. Here are five tools, including and, that can assist you in optimizing your social media strategy:

  1. Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a popular social media management platform that allows you to schedule and manage posts across multiple social media platforms from a single dashboard. It provides analytics and reporting features to help you track your organic reach and engagement. With Hootsuite, you can efficiently plan your content calendar, engage with your audience, and monitor conversations around your brand.

  2. Buffer: Buffer is another comprehensive social media management tool that enables you to schedule and publish posts to various social media platforms. It provides detailed analytics to help you measure the performance of your organic content. Buffer also offers features like content curation, social media listening, and team collaboration, making it a valuable tool for growing your organic reach.

  3. Canva: Visual content plays a crucial role in social media marketing, and Canva is an excellent tool for creating eye-catching graphics and designs. With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of templates, fonts, and images, Canva allows you to create professional-looking visuals for your social media posts. It also offers features to resize designs for different platforms and provides options for collaboration and brand consistency.

  4. BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo is a powerful tool for content discovery and analysis. It helps you identify trending topics, popular content, and influential authors in your industry. By understanding what type of content resonates with your target audience, you can create more engaging and shareable posts. BuzzSumo also provides insights into social media engagement metrics, allowing you to refine your organic content strategy.

  5. SocialFansGeek: is a social media marketing platform that offers services to boost your reach, engagement, and fanbase on various social media networks such as Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram, and more12. You can buy views, followers, likes, and more on SocialFansGeek with guaranteed results and unbeatable prices1. SocialFansGeek claims to help you create your social media buzz, increase your social media engagement, make your brand recognized, and leverage the scale and reach of programmatic advertising2.

Laxman K.

Veteran Social Media Growth Hacker & Digital Marketer.